Club API

Club records officers can use this API to retrieve records from their Club members. Note that for this to happen three things must be in place:

API basics

The API can be called using the URL: This will return ALL scores for all members of your club, in JSON format. Please do not do this without thought - there can be a lot of records returned.

The following additional parameters can be added to reduce the number of records:

The following parameter can be used to control the output fields:

Records are sorted by date by default, newest first to change this, use:

Finally, the type of output can be determined by:


To get an HTML table containing all Portsmouth rounds shot in February, please note that the example will only work with a correct club name and API key!! Club&round=Portsmouth&from=2022-02-01&to=2022-02-28&view=html

Example Output

...yes, I can get good scores, but that pesky Richard Buckner....
